Sunday, February 6, 2011

Changing Table Facelift

This is our third child, and we have a LARGE age gap from our other kids, so we basically had to start all over again buying baby gear. I got a crib for free on I don't love it, but didn't want to spend $300 for one I like, so I had to figure out a way to make all the furniture work together. I got this changing table at the DI (thrift store) for $45. Actually, my bff DL found it for me, and I bought it. The color doesn't match the crib, and the thought of refinishing a crib made this pregnant girl T-I-R-E-D! So, I decided to paint it. I am happy with the way it turned out.



All I did was clean it, do a small amount of sanding, prime it, and spray paint it. It was super easy. I replaced the wood knobs with ceramic knobs from Hobby Lobby. Easy-Peasy!

Have a Happy and Creative Day!


I am linking!



Melissa Bair said...

I love it!! The blue really makes a difference!!

Anonymous said...

The colour is gorgeous and so are the lines! Adorable!
I've awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award!
Please visit my blog for rules on how to accept.

Jennifer Interiors said...

Ooooh ...I like!!! Nice job!

Kristina @ A Home Made by Kiki said...

Love it!

I {heart} Nap Time said...

Oh SUPER cute!! LOVE the blue. I'd love for you to link this up at Sundae Scoop!

Amy @ Positively Splendid said...

This is gorgeous! Isn't it amazing what a difference a coat of paint makes!

B E C K Y said...

I love this! What color/brand blue is that? Its beautiful!

Noelle said...

I love it! I also want to know what color you used.. I need more of that color in my life.

Camilla said...

I'm TOTALLY inspired now! I hated my changing table since the day I bought it (bought it used) now with baby #2 being 8 months old...I'm going to paint it! Never dawned on me to do it before. Thanks

Josh and Becca said...

Risa you inspire me. I LOVE the color! Great job!!

Wendy said...

Very cute! And congratulations on the Stylish Blogger award!

Unknown said...

Great job! I can't believe you managed even this at the end of your pregnancy...I'm always exhausted. I love the bright, happy color you chose! Glad to see you back posting.

Brad Kami and kids said...

I love the color! What a difference!

restlessrisa said...

Thanks for the nice comments everybody!

I used Painter's touch by Rustoleum 2X, but threw the can away before I recorded the color. Next time I go to Home Depot, I will look, and get back to you :) Sorry!



Nicole Grotepas said...

I want that changing table! :) It's so adorable. Your skillz are mad.

Megan said...

It looks so pretty in blue! You did a great job.


Unknown said...

that is the GREATEST changing table EVER! i adore it, well done. WINKS-JEN

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